
看看苏的整个人, 耶稣会教育 and connections to employers in a global tech hub can shape your career and change your world.

Undergraduate student at commencement ceremony


Beyond the rankings, beyond the awards, beyond the stats, our impact is through you. Your meaningful work, your personal fulfillment and your concern for humanity. We can't wait to see who you become and the difference you make in the world.

“Our Jesuit approach to educating our students goes beyond affording them technical expertise. 这是肯定的. But it also offers them tools to apply critical perspectives and to engage their deepest values. It pushes against the limits of disciplinary boundaries, bringing philosophical and theological reflection into dialogue with science and engineering and law and policy. This is why we call 国外博彩app the place ‘where innovation meets humanity.’”

Eduardo Peñalver, 国外博彩app President

这些数字 一瞥



Most of our undergrads will realize a return of more than $1.在他们的职业生涯中赚了400万美元.



Most Redhawks are employed or in grad school within 6 months of graduation.



Small classes led by talented faculty to foster active learning, an SU hallmark.


A 国外博彩app education will challenge and grow you on every level. Explore our real-world impacts and outcomes.



Our graduates are employed at top companies. 除了…之外 我们优秀的学者, 优秀的师资和个性化的学习, students grow professionally outside of the classroom through a wide variety of internships, field experience and community-engaged learning. With more than five medical centers within one mile of campus, 以及亚马逊等顶级雇主, 微软, 附近有星巴克和波音, you are positioned for real-world opportunity.

We help you discover and create a fulfilling career journey through a broad range of programs and resources for career preparation, 网络, job placement and mentorship opportunities.



With 97% of our Redhawks employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation, 我们的学术严谨和价值观为基础 耶稣会教育 is a proven investment in your future possibility and purpose.

这是。 可控的投资. 不仅是我们 华盛顿最好的四年制大学 for mid-career earning potential, our undergrads also see an 平均投资回报为1美元.400万年 and they enter the working world with a low average student loan debt ($19,693 vs. $33,700 median federal debt of borrowers).


Among Washington Universities in Mid-Career Pay

Highest median salary for alumni with 10+ years of work experience (Payscale, 2023)



Global engagement and international perspective are central to our mission. Here, you will learn from distinguished faculty from around the world, alongside 来自70多个国家的学生. We offer diverse education abroad programs, global partnerships and initiatives to engage with and experiential learning through Seattle’s global companies and international communities. 


Countries represented in our student community

A group of people standing in a classroom.


Beyond the financial return on your investment, 国外博彩app is dedicated to educating the whole person and empowering leaders for a just and humane world. We provided an annual average of more than 50,000 hours of service to local communities and engaged more than 2,800 students in the community-engaged learning process.



Annual service hours provided to local communities



毕业后,我们的影响还在继续. Our alumni network includes more than 90,在世界各地培养了1000名毕业生, 超过56个,000 in Washington state and a majority living in the Puget Sound region.

Our alumni groups work in partnership with the 国外博彩app 校友 Association to provide you with a broad range of opportunities for leadership, 网络和志愿服务.



听到 我们的校友



"The further away I get from my time at Seattle U, the more I realize how uncommon my experience was. Inside and outside the classroom I was challenged not just to absorb academic material, but also to think about what mattered most to me and how I could use what I was learning to make an impact in the world. I think Seattle U helped me lead a more grounded, intentional life, post-college."

U项目专员.S. Department of 住房 and Urban Development